My Pregnancy So Far

This pregnancy has been quite different to my pregnancy with Alfie so far, in many different ways. It’s been harder in general, with aches and pains. I have mild SPD and when I’m walking for abit, my bones start grinding and it bloody well hurts! I never had this with Alfie at all, my body was a lot ‘tighter’ back then but since Alfie was 8lb3 and I’m only 4ft11- that pregnancy has loosened my ligaments a lot and now Theo is doing the same! 

I’m 28 weeks but we’ve been hospital about 3 times now. Reduced movements last week as a matter of fact- I grow lazy boys! 

Twice in one week over Christmas due to a bleed! This was the scariest time ever, no one wants to see a bleed during pregnancy, you instantly think the worse. Thankfully everything is well, I had a scan (on Christmas Eve) after being kept in overnight and they found no reason for the bleed. Which I was completely overjoyed about! 

I’m generally bigger already this time which is common in second/third and so on pregnancies due to your body not being as tight. I’ve had a bump from very early on but I love having one. It’s getting quite uncomfortable already and I need to invest in a pregnancy pillow really as the nights are supposed to be for sleeping right? But I don’t get much! 

I haven’t really had cravings this pregnancy, I just think about food a lot! (Fatty) but there’s still time I only craved lemon ice lollies towards the very end of my pregnancy with Alfie. 

Alfie is so very excited to be a brother and talks about it all the time! I will pick him up from nursery and he mentions his baby brother everyday!! He constantly wants my bump out to talk to Theo and rests his hand on my tummy, he had his hand there the other day and Theo gave a massive kick (Theo honestly hates anything on my bump- such a diva! He’s going to be hard work!) Alfie was so shocked and I don’t think he actually realised there is a real baby in there until that moment! Alfie pretends he has a baby in his tummy and apparently his baby always wants sweets! Hmmm.. 

I have 11weeks&1 day until  my due date and it’s honestly flown by, I’m excited but also very nervous to be a mummy of two little boys! My Alfie and Theo! 
E x